Concepts |Denim 2.0

fewer dye dips but deeper luxury and premium etchable natural feel

Our de-luxe Denim 2.0 collection is more than meets the eye. It is for those who value premium denim quality the traditional way with a modern twist. This bold collection is a synergy of charismatic luxury and royal shades. Our Denim 2.O is for those who have an acquired classic taste in clothing and value a luxurious denim experience.

  • Feel it to believe it – a super soft touch of the fabric.
  • Deep royal shades that are full of richness and are unique.
  • Vintage denim with all the goodness of innovation and luxury.

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We have more than one secret to reveal with this collection. It is the perfect synergy of charismatic royal shades with luxurious aesthetics giving a real jeans experience. An all-season fabric that is all about royal shades and premium textures.

Denim Fantasy

It is a dream come true for denim connoisseurs. Feel it to live this dream as it is about luxurious touch with authentic denim aesthetics. Do tell our secret when you are done checking out our collection.